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Approaches and Strategies in Supporting the media landscape

Project name: Ethiopian Media Networks Dialogue: “Approaches and Strategies in Supporting the media landscape”

Implemented by: ENMS


Project summary

Ethiopian National Media Support (ENMS) has organized the second Ethiopian Media Networks Dialogue on “Approaches and Strategies in Supporting the media landscape” in collaboration with Protecting Independent Media for Effective Development (PRIMED-IMS) on the 24th of December 2021 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia at Magnolia Hotel.

The general objective of the dialogue was to discuss the importance of media networking in Ethiopia.

The dialogue was aimed at identifying ‘Approaches and Strategies in Supporting the Media Networking. The dialogue targeted 50 participants from diverse groups of journalists’ associations, networks, academia, media development organizations, representatives of Ethiopian Media authority (EMA), and Think-Tank groups in Ethiopia. Among the panelists, Dr. Abdissa Zeray, assistant professor at Addis Ababa University School of Journalism and Communication presented an update review on “Post-Election Research Result”. His presentation briefly assessed the role of the Ethiopian media in the different stages during the latest national election: pre, during the election and post-election periods. He also emphasized the Ethiopian media’s role in the upcoming planned national dialogue.

Dr. Agaredech Jemanesh, from Addis Ababa University School of Journalism and Communication, was the second presenter entitled “Reviewing Media Networks and Cooperation in the Development of Ethiopian Media: Potential Opportunities and Challenges”. She had underlined the importance of media networking that would fill the current polarization between the mainstream and the social media platforms in Ethiopia. Mrs. Tsedale G/Tsadik, from Debre Birhan University School of Journalism and Communication, presented her work on “Lessons in Media Coalition for Cooperation in Media Development Issues”. Mrs. Tsedale’s presentation focused on the comparative understanding of media networking in selected few other countries.